Friday, May 31, 2024


  Miss me?

I am typing this as I wait for lunch at a local Denny`s on my way home from a good,but mostly wet,vacation.

Seriously,it rained about three of the four days I was camping,with yesterday being the only day where I actually saw the sun.However,unlike previous vacations I rented an RV,so I didn`t have to sleep in a soggy tent.I also had some(albeit very,very limited)wi-fi access on a small mid-week trip to a nearby general store to get supplies so I was able to see how the blogs were doing stats wise and answer a quick email at the very least.

Now that I`ve let you know how my yearly trip to the wilderness went,you`ve probably been waiting for the return of celebs and pro wrestling babes in pantyhose.Well,I am happy to report that posts should resume tomorrow at the usual late morning/early afternoon slot,and the weekly polls are back on Sunday.Speaking of which,the second update post for the 2024 Pantyhose Queen poll will also be up this weekend as well.

So,tune in tomorrow because the blogs will be back with more pantyhose fun for all to enjoy:)

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