Friday, October 26, 2018

Polling Notes

As mentioned earlier,polling will be a little different starting Sunday and all the way through November.Here`s how it`ll go
As of this writing,there are 33 entrants into the DivaTights 2018 Pantyhose Queen poll.My goal is to have at least 36 before the poll begins on December 2nd.This Sunday`s poll will have five choices as normal,but depending on who wins the two polls afterwards may only have four choices.There will not be a poll the week of Thanksgiving,but polls will resume on November 25th.However,since by then there will be 36 entrants,the poll that week will probably be a special themed poll.
As always,the winners will get three post weekends.
If there`s any changes to these plans at any point I will be sure to let everyone know.If you have any questions or concerns,feel free to email me regarding them:)

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